
The Novaschool private schools are bilingual (Spanish-English) and British private schools in Malaga and Granada, of a non-denominational and ideologically plural nature that teach mixed education from Foundation to Baccalaureate.

International Vocation

El bilingüismo es uno de los ejes fundamentales que guían la vida educativa y cultural del colegio. Nuestra vocación internacional integra no sólo la enseñanza en idiomas (inglés/ francés/ alemán) sino también la integración de diferentes culturas en el desarrollo académico y humano de nuestros alumnos a través de nuestro proyecto educativo y diferentes programas de inmersión linguística entre otros. En Novaschool nos marcamos como objetivo contribuir al crecimiento de personas de pensamiento libre y crítico capaces de integrarse y aportar valor a una sociedad abierta y plural.

Comprehensive and global education

Novaschool apuesta por una formación integral y global del alumno centrada en el desarrollo de las capacidades y habilidades transversales con la colaboración y participación de familias y personal del centro a través de un proceso continuo de información, transparencia y comunicación.

Nuestro modelo de enseñanza fomenta la integración de la pluralidad de cada persona, el desarrollo de las capacidades y habilidades diversas más allá de lo académico, integrando valores propios del deporte y el arte. De esta forma, se incentiva a nuestros alumnos a ser parte activa en todos los ámbitos: escolares, deportivos, sociales, culturales y profesionales

Humanistic approach

Our teaching model attends to a holistic development of the human being, respecting their times and training free, happy, empathetic and resilient people, aware of the Environment and the community that surrounds them in a responsible way. We accompany and advise them in their emotional development, strengthening their self-esteem and confidence, actively integrating them in their learning process individually and as a team. In the same way, we encourage their critical thinking through reflection, experimentation, research and dialogue that allows them to pose and solve questions from different ways.

Innovative spirit

From our school we promote an innovative spirit from all areas of knowledge to both students and teachers. Both are committed to the creative and flexible development of the teaching-learning process through the application of new methodologies and tools that allow transforming education at all levels. Our teachers become a lever for change through research and continuous training, increasingly integrating the new information and communication technologies in the classroom.

Excellence and quality

We understand educational excellence from the continuous and joint work of teachers, students, and families, promoting a unique teaching model inside and outside the school. Thus, we develop a quality education from a commitment and common values among the entire educational community. Our model is oriented towards the community, processes, results, and sustainable development respectful of the environment, establishing principles and values such as leadership, alliances, equality, continuous improvement, and orientation towards educational innovation.


At Novaschool we have endeavoured to teach students to develop values about the environment, recycling and sustainability. In this way, it will be an obligation to be able to instruct our students to have sustainable habits from a very young age and that they will last over time so that they create awareness and respect for the environment and its conservation.

Novaschool dispone en propiedad de una granja-escuela para uso y disfrute de todos sus alumnos. Allí tendrá oportunidad el alumno de desarrollar actividades que no podrá desarrollar en el aula. Alejarse por unos días de las tecnologías, las pantallas, los móviles y videojuegos dándole así la oportunidad de vivir experiencias increíbles en contacto directo y continuo con la naturaleza y, de paso, favoreciendo sus sistema inmunitario.

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