Letter of the Novaschool CEO

Francisco Barrionuevo

Portada del libro Cultura emprendedora y empresarial

In mid-2009 I made the most important decision in my long business career, to enter the education sector. From then on, the entire management team saw in this action a possibility of creating a social, sustainable and excellent project that was missing in the current educational system.

Comenzamos a ser conscientes de la importancia de trasladar la cultura del esfuerzo en nuestros alumnos y profesores como marcador de identidad en Novaschool; sin perder de vista lo que  nos decía Thomas Edison:  “la genialidad se compone en un 1% de inspiración y en un 99% de trabajo duro”. En efecto, la sociedad española se enfrenta a enormes desafíos, y desde la educación hay que dar respuestas concretas  a un entorno en continuo cambio y transformación.

Roughly speaking, an educational policy capable of providing our students with a set of competences, attitudes, aptitudes and practices so that at the end of the formative journey in Novaschool, they can face their university stage with enthusiasm and relative ease, according to their experiential base and competence acquired in their school. As an interlude, a teaching supported by the binomial technology and entrepreneurship, among other elements to highlight.

This is our main goal, to maximize the academic standards of our students through a new educational model that reconciles personal success with academic success, without losing sight of the fact that student's mind is not a box to be filled, but a light that must be turned on (Plutarch).

Dicho de otro modo,  todos nuestros alumnos al acabar su formación de Bachillerato serán hombres y mujeres que darán lo máximo de motu proprio, y a la vez serán personas felices, pues no hay mayor motivación que ver los sueños cumplidos con tan solo ilusión y constancia en el quehacer diario.

Todas estas reflexiones dieron lugar a un plan de acción por parte de un amplio equipo multidisciplinar que ha ido diseñando, moldeando y poniendo en práctica el modelo Novaschool, y que hoy por hoy tengo el orgullo de aseverar se aplica en la red de diez centros Novaschool, repartidos por distintas ubicaciones geográficas: Novaschool Añoreta, en Rincón de la Victoria (Málaga); Novaschool Sunland, en Cártama (a 5 minutos del Parque Tecnológico); Novaschool Benalmádena (a 15 metros Hospital Xanit), Novaschool Medina Elvira, en Atarfe (a 10 minutos de Granada); Novaschool Almería en Vega de Acá; Novaschool San Pedro, en San Pedro de Alcántara (Marbella); Novaschool Málaga Centro, (a 100 metros del campus universitario de Málaga El Ejido); Novaschool Granada, Baby Sunland (Escuela Infantil en el Parque Tecnológico de Málaga) y Novaschool Arrecife, en Lanzarote.

Novaschool has generated its own culture supported by a coherent programme in terms of bilingualism, promotion of sport as a basis for personal growth and the development of values and creativity through theater, music and solidarity and environmental actions. Behind each of these proposals there is a research project, a continuous training programme for teachers and an unprecedented supply of material and resources, in order to support a whole new teaching philosophy. But, above all, the response to a commitment that was acquired with the educational community of each center.

We are aware that not everything is already done, and we still have a long way to go, for that reason all Novaschool educators work with enthusiasm every day to promote the continuous improvement of our educational model.

Thank you for your trust and your time, I take this opportunity to send a cordial greeting.

Francisco Barrionuevo Canto
Professor of Economics

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