
Music and art are part of the teachings of the Novaschool centers, introduced in the daily curriculum of the students.

Aware of the relevance of art in the formation and development of the intellect of human beings making them more creative, free, cultured, critical, sensitive, tolerant and respectful, among other virtues, Novaschool teaching centres put into practice a revolutionary and innovative system of artistic and creative development of the child from 0 to 18 years old, in which all the arts (music, body expression, dance and plastic) are integrated into the social-educational learning of students from the earliest age. Novaschool ponen en práctica un revolucionario e innovador sistema de desarrollo artístico y creativo del niño desde los 0 a los 18 años, en el que todas las artes (música, expresión corporal, danza y plástica) están de manera integrada en el aprendizaje social-educativo del alumnado desde la edad más temprana.

Thus, music and the arts will be part of the teachings of the Novaschool centers, introduced into the daily curriculum of the students as part of their intellectual base, promoting creative attitudes and stimulating their perception and conception of the world that surrounds them in a sensitive way. Novaschool, introducidas en el currículo diario del alumnado como parte de su base intelectual, potenciando actitudes creativas y estimulando su percepción y concepción del mundo que los rodea de forma sensitiva.

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