Educational project

Novaschool is an Educational Group which bases its educational model on high academic and sports standards, always from the perspective of pedagogical innovation while promoting the creation of new learning spaces.

The Novaschool educational project is designed and based on educational excellence and innovation, to achieve a complete and high training of students, adapted to each level and stage of teaching from 0 to 18 years old.

Novaschool centers promote the full development of personality of the students pursuing it at an intellectual, artistic and physical level, based on an education in freedom that allows the individual and social fulfillment of the children. All of this is carefully and meticulously adapted to the ages of the students by a qualified team of professionals, paying special attention to the development of the childhood stages because these are the basis of the development of the person.

Novaschool bases its teaching model on four fundamental pillars for student development:

  • The IGCSE (International General Certificates of Secondary Education) certificate. It is obtained at the end of 4th ESO and its preparation begins in 3rd ESO. The subjects that will be evaluated in our centre are detailed in the training plan. bilingüismo, con el objetivo de que los alumnos sean bilingües en español-inglés, logrando que desde las edades más tempranas asimilen de forma natural los idioma, entendiendo e interiorizando el inglés sin dificultad.
  • Innovative learning model, with the development and implementation of myAgora+ conceiving ICTs as a pedagogical instrument from the beginning of school life.
  • Arts, devoting special attention to the humanistic and artistic development of students, integrating the arts into their social-educational learning.
  • Sport, as a fundamental element in the training and education of students, promoting values such as companionship, teamwork, personal improvement, perseverance and dedication.

Novaschool currently has ten educational centers, five private schools; three of them in Malaga: Novaschool Añoreta (0-18 years old), Novaschool Sunalnd International (3-18 years old) and Novaschool Benalmádena (0-12 years old), another in Granada: Novaschool Medina Elvira (3-18 años) y otro en Almería: Novaschool Almería (0-18 años); y un centro concertado en Valencia, Novaschool Rivas Luna (3-18 años). Cinco escuelas infantiles adheridas al plan de ayudas a las familias de la Junta de Andalucía, Novaschool Benalmádena, Novaschool Málaga Centro, Novaschool Fuentenueva, Novaschool Baby Sunland y Novaschool Juan Latino (Granada); y la escuela infantil Novaschool Arrecife conveniada en Lanzarote (Arrecife).

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